From the undiscovered artisan workshops in Ecuador, to our modern living spaces, we are part of one interconnected world that becomes stronger when woven together. 



Woven is an online gallery of exclusive artisan products that weave true cultural traditions with the needs of modern living. Our curated selection of beautiful, authentic, and environmentally friendly pieces empowers today’s conscientious buyers to make a positive impact in the world. With every piece, we showcase the stories behind each artisan and their handcrafted traditions to help you discover the diverse cultures of Latin America.

About the Founder

“The gift of your past creates the vision for your future"

Growing up in Ecuador, Josephine has always been fascinated by the way the built environment captures the traditions and cultural values of the people that live in it. This passion, along with her travels to Europe and Latin America, led her to pursue a career in architecture and urban planning at Virginia Tech.

After 13 years of working in the corporate setting, Josephine decided to explore the entrepreneurship world by combining her passion for social impact and design. Woven was born with one idea and hope: telling the inspiring stories of artisans through styling solutions for your home.